Youth fire and rescue sport competition opens in Croatia

On 10 August in Cakovec, Croatia for the first time under the aegis of the International Sports Federation of Fire fighters and Rescuers the opening ceremony of the 10th World Championship among boys and juniors and the 6th World Championship among girls and juniors in Fire and Rescue Sport was held.
The Governor of Medjimurje Mr. Mateja Posavec, Director of the Executive Committee of the International Sports Federation of Fire fighters and Rescuers Mr. Andrey Kalinin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Croatia Mr. Andrey Nesterenko, President of the Croatian Fire fighters sports association Mr. Radavan Zadravec and other distinguished guests took part in the solemn opening ceremony.
Teams from 9 countries came to compete for the World Champions Cup: Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, India, Latvia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Estonia.
"It is a great honour and responsibility for us, despite all the difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, to hold international events of world importance and show guests and competitors from different countries the beauty, culture and hospitality of the Croatian land", said the Governor of Međimurje.
On 11 August at 16.00, the first part of the programme, the ascent of the assault ladder through the window of the 2nd and 3rd floor of the training tower, will open.
We wish all participants a fair fight, fast seconds and new records!