Results of the XIII World Championship among juniors and juniors and IX World Championship among girls and juniors in fire-rescue sport

From 13 to 19 August 2024 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty in the best traditions of the world firefighting fraternity were held XIII World Championship among juniors and juniors and IX World Championship among girls and juniors in fire-rescue sport, which was attended by sports teams of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, including athletes from the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic.
On the treadmills for four days youth national teams competed for the championship in climbing the assault ladder to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the training tower, overcoming the 100-metre obstacle course, fire relay race 4 x 100 metres and combat deployment.
Participation in sports competitions hardens character, fosters team spirit and instils the willingness to fight for high results, not yielding to their older comrades in the pursuit of victory.
So in a hard and persistent struggle the names of champions were determined. Not in vain fire and rescue sport is considered the sport of the strong, agile and brave.
According to the results of all days of the competition, the prizes in the team competition were distributed as follows:
Among boys and juniors:
1st place - Russian Federation.
2nd place - Republic of Belarus.
3rd place - Republic of Kazakhstan.
Representatives of the fair sex vividly demonstrated their beauty and grace.
Among girls and juniors:
1st place - Russian Federation.
2nd place - Republic of Belarus.
3rd place - Republic of Kazakhstan.
The winners were awarded cups, diplomas, medals and valuable gifts.
It should be noted that during all the competition days young athletes fought fair and uncompromising and showed the highest results in all kinds of programme. Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners of the competitions!