14 may
Postponement of the dates of the XXXIII International Competition in Fire-Applied Sport in memory of the fire-heroes of Chernobyl city

From 25 to 30 of May 2020, the ХХХIII International Competition in Fire-Applied Sport in memory of the fire-heroes of Chernobyl city was to be held in Lviv.
Due to the epidemic situation associated with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19, which is currently in Ukraine and other countries, holding the XXXIII International Fire and Applied Sports Competition in memory of Chernobyl fire-heroes in the scheduled time is not possible. Information about holding these competitions will be sent later.

Due to the epidemic situation associated with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19, which is currently in Ukraine and other countries, holding the XXXIII International Fire and Applied Sports Competition in memory of Chernobyl fire-heroes in the scheduled time is not possible. Information about holding these competitions will be sent later.