22 nov
Outcome of the XVIII International Conference of Fire and Rescue Chiefs of the World Members of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers

The Conference discussed topical issues: on the organization, conduct and results of doping testing of athletes of the XIII World Championship among men and IV World Championship among women in fire and rescue (fire-applied) sports; approval of world records in sports disciplines of fire and rescue sports; awarding the sports title of "International Category Judge"; discussion and approval of the plan of main sports events of the International Sports Federation of Fire fighters and Rescuers for 2018.
For holding the XIII World Championship among men and IV World Championship among women in Fire and Rescue (Fire and Rescue) Sport in Izmir, Andrey Kalinin, Director of the Executive Committee of the ISFPS, was presented with "gratitude" to the Republic of Turkey. The heads of fire and rescue services, associations and public organizations were also awarded souvenirs, commemorative medals and badges for great contribution in development of fire and rescue sport at international level.
Special attention was paid by the participants to the organisation and holding of the World Championships in 2018, approval of the regulations for the World Championships for men, women, boys and juniors as well as girls and juniors in fire and rescue sport. The XIV World Championship among men and the V World Championship among women in fire and rescue (fire-applied) sports will be held in Banska Bystrica (Slovak Republic) from 10 to 16 September 2018, the VIII World Championship among boys and juniors and the IV World Championship among girls and juniors in fire and rescue (fire-applied) sports will be held in Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) from 24 to 30 September 2018. The members of the Chief Referee Panels of the 2018 World Championships have been approved.
The Conference considered a number of crucial issues aimed at further development of fire and rescue sport, cooperation, organisation and holding of international sport events in 2018, and tasks for the period 2018-2021.
Read more about the event