On December 18, Moscow hosted talks between the Ministry of emergency situations of the people’s Republic of China headed by Deputy Minister Shang Yun and President of the International sport Federation of Firefighters and R
escuers Alexander Chupryan, as well as the Executive Committee Director Andrei Kalinin on further cooperation in the field of fire and rescue sports.
A.Chupriyan told his Chinese counterpart about the active development of fire and rescue sports at the world level and invited Chinese partners to join the International sport Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers.
The talks were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. This meeting served to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between the Executive Committee of the International sport Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers and the Ministry of emergency situations of the people’s Republic of China.
As a result of the negotiations, a letter was officially handed to the Chinese colleagues on the accession of the Ministry of emergency situations of the people’s Republic of China to the ISFFR.