27 May 2016 in Ostrava (Czech Republic) took place the Extraordinary Meeting
27 May 2016 in Ostrava (Czech Republic) took place an Extraordinary Meeting of the International Sports Federation of firefighters and rescuers on question of the identification of places and dates of the World Championships in Fire and Rescue sport, 2016.
The meeting was attended by heads and representatives of fire and rescue services of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Croatia and the Czech Republic.
Countries such as the Republic of Austria, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Republic of Poland, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine granted the right to vote by power of attorney.
During the collegial discussion of the agenda, the Meeting adopted the following decisions:
1. Hold in Ostrava (Czech Republic) from 14 to 21 August 2016:
- XII World Championship among men and III World Championship among women in Fire and Rescue sport;
- VII World Championship among youth men and juniors and III World Championship among girls and juniors in Fire and Rescue sport.
2. Postpone V World Championship among men's youth teams and III World Championship among women's youth teams in Fire and Rescue sport for 2017.
Final documents:
- Resolution № 1 "About the preparation of the World Championships among men and women "Izmir-2016"
- Resolution № 2 "About the World Championships among juniors and youth teams in 2016"
- Resolution № 3 "About the changes in the Main Jury of the World Championships of 2016"