From 11 to 16 September 2002 in Moscow (Russian Federation) under the auspices of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers with the support of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters the I World Championship in Fire-Applied Sports among Firefighters and Rescuers was held.
The sport of firefighters and rescuers is very popular among a large army of firefighters. For its fans it is a great opportunity to demonstrate not only courage and dexterity, but also their professional skills. Holding the First World Championship among Firefighters and Rescuers is the first global event in the history of this sport, - S. Shoigu.
Russia, as the venue of the championship, was not chosen by chance, as the fire sport in the country has existed for over 65 years. According to the Organizing Committee, the championship was attended by teams from twenty-three countries. The competition was held in accordance with the Rules of the International Technical Committee for Fire Prevention and Extinguishing (KTIF).
Within the framework of the World Championship the International Special Exhibition of Rescue and Fire Protection Equipment was organized, in which the leading world manufacturers of rescue and firefighting equipment took part.